There are Seasons

There are Seasons

There are Seasons for everything. You need to be very careful of the season you are in. When a season comes, God assigns Angels for that particular season to carry out the assignments for that season. If you you dont use them, you miss out.

Your Faith

Your Faith

Then He touched their eyes, saying, “According to your faith let it be to you.” (Mathew 9:29, NKJV) God will work on you basing on your faith. The amount of faith you have in your calling, in your prayers and your God greatly affects the fruits that you reap. Dive into this episode by the Man…

Battle Axe

Battle Axe

You are the Lord’s Battle Axe. He wants to Use you. God will not use an animal or chicken anything. He will always use a human. He wants you to destroy the works of the enemy. Unfortunately some of the children of God admire the world.

Christ Has It All

Christ Has It All

There is something the enemy puts on people’s understand, there is a force he brings forth and make people have different understands. The way that hurts them, the way the brings them to him. He makes you forget that Christ Has it all. And he hits you untill he destroys you.