There is something that very many of us keep ignoring…! We always have a vicious circle of troubles, issues, and challenges; and these challenges originate from somewhere. There are MARKS in the lives of people. Some marks are invisible and others visible. In this, we are going to see the spiritual implication of these marks.
Body marks like birthmarks and scars can be seen with naked eyes. That mark is not a mere mark as it says and does something either for you or against you. These marks like scars either from an accident, or a wound, aren’t just mere marks. For some, tattoos are a symbol of worship, others are from intimate relationships. That mark is most likely to torment you or your destiny. Some marks are in form of body features. For instance, it could be inherited at birth. Others have traditional cuts, cultural marks, or body piercings. Marks like birthmarks have meaning with your background, and mostly have to do with the ancestral background.
We also have invisible marks that come with our names or covenants that were made before we were conceived and all these have an influence on our lives and our destinies.
If that mark isn’t of God, it will work against you and become a monitoring spirit, and whatever you touch with be detected by darkness because you are marked in a certain way.
“But the LORD said to him, “anyone who kills Cain will suffer vengeance seven times over.” Then the LORD put a mark on Cain so that no one who found him would kill him.” (Gen 4:15)
When God cursed Cain and he pleaded with him, God did not remove the curse, but he put a mark to safeguard him from his worst fears. The LORD set a mark on Cain so that no one will just kill Cain because he is cursed. God put a mark on Cain so that no one will kill him. This mark was for a certain purpose, for it wasn’t just a mere mark.
Jesus revealed to John that there will be a time when the beast will take charge and force people to have its mark on their right hand or forehead. It may be seen visibly or not, but for you to be counted away from Christ, there will be a mark counted on you.
“It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads” (Rev 13:16)
When the Angel of destruction was entering Egypt, they had to look for a way to save Israelites, and they were told to put a mark of blood on their doorposts, that when the Angel passes by and finds blood, he will pass by. They then made a Passover and went and hit the Egyptians. (Exodus: 12)
How will God save his people? He will write his name on their foreheads, by the power of the cross, that when the enemy looks at us, he will know that we are children of God.
God’s marks are usually invisible. He lives in the unseen world; so much that He can take control without too many physical devices but he can also make a visible mark on you for remembrance. We may not be able to discern whether the marks we have are Godly or not; but as children of God, we use our weapons of faith like anointing oil during our devotional time, to neutralize the effects of these marks. When we do this, the Spirit of God will take over. The enemy will not have a point of contact because the light of God will have taken over.
Prayer: “Light of God, take over and neutralize negative power backed by every mark on my body.”
You may not be able to remove that mark, tattoo, scar, or cut on your body; but through prayer, it will be neutralized and will not have any negative effect on you.
This is why Jesus had to pour his blood out for us; the blood of Jesus takes over when we pray and breaks the power that would have been used to destroy our destiny. These are the marks that the enemy uses to weaken you since he has a point of connection.
If you got an accident, anoint yourself in that place with a scar and say Blood of Jesus, protect me from every satanic power that caused me this accident, and protect me. You will have disconnected yourself from accidents and all their effects through prayer.
When GOD made Abraham, He used circumcision as a mark and made him the father of nations. Know the kind of mark you have. Some are enticed into having tattoos, but this same approach of prayer can be used to neutralize the negative effects that come with these marks.
I pray that the Holy Spirit will open our understanding and teach us more. Any mark that the enemy has assigned will be washed away by the Blood of Jesus. Allow the fire of God’s presence to consume these marks.
“From now on, let no one cause me trouble, for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus.” (Gal 6:17)
“Peace be with you”
thank you man of GOD for the teaching
Yes, Papa, I am marked for a bigger mission in Jesus’ Mighty Name.